Champions of Tomorrow

NICK ROBINSON-BAKER: We’re hitting form at the right time



Champions of TomorrowDiving

By Nick Robinson-Baker

IN comedy they say timing is everything – well the same can be said for diving and I reckon things are looking great in the run up to London 2012 after my trip to Mexico.

PERFECT TIMING: Nick Robinson-Baker is content with his London 2012 Olympic preparations so far

The World Series event in Tijuana last month was just a great competition and to come away with the silver medal in the 3m springboard synchro was brilliant.

We had a great team out there and it was a hard competition with some big names there with Ukraine, Germany and China all in action – in fact only the Russians were missing really.

So for Chris Mears and I to come away and win our first World Series medal together as a pair is a brilliant result and it couldn’t have been better timed.

With the European Championships in Eindhoven starting this week it is exactly what we needed and it has given us a real boost for another repeat performance.

We head to the Europeans with everything coming together and I have always said that on our day Chris and I can be the best in the world and I think that Mexico proved that.

Having been together for such a long time we knew eventually it would all just come together and that is exactly what happened.

And I don’t think anyone can say it wasn’t deserved or coming because for a while we had been coming so close to finishing on the podium but one of us would make a silly mistake and we would let ourselves down.

But Mexico was just one of those competitions where everything slid into place and we got what we deserved – finally.

Winning our first World Series medal as a pair lets Chris and I know that our dream of winning a medal at London 2012 is all the more realistic.

It wasn’t just exciting winning silver but it was the fact that if we do exactly the same thing in a couple of months then we will be standing on that Olympic podium.

That is the aim now and it has been a really good year for Chris and I and we seem to be timing things to perfection in the build up to the Games.

We are peaking now which is brilliant and it is about repeating what happened in Mexico at the Europeans in Holland.

That is the next step and to be honest in Mexico was the first time I saw people choking that wouldn’t normally choke.

I don’t know whether it is the pressure or the nerves getting to them in the build up to London 2012 but I saw people starting to wobble.

But for Chris and I, after our silver medal, we are feeling nothing but excitement and we can’t wait for London 2012 – bring it on.

To celebrate 15 years of support for British Swimming, Kellogg’s is offering a ‘Free Kids Swim’ on 30 million packs of cereal to encourage families to take the plunge together. Collect a voucher on pack and take it down to your local participating pool. For more information, please visit

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